The Buccal Facial.

This renowned facial technique is performed by only a handful of facialists worldwide, and Shannon Lewis is leading the way in Adelaide. Loved by celebrities and beauty enthusiasts as a non-surgical alternative to facelifts and fillers, the Buccal Facial works to sculpt and define facial features, diminishes puffiness, lift cheeks, slim the jawline, and leave skin glowing with youthfulness.

90 mins — $325

When we think of ageing, we generally refer to the surface signs like wrinkles and skin laxity, but it's much more complex. Underneath the surface layer, there are changes in bone density and fascia (connective tissue), facial muscles and fat volume. A standard facial massage cannot address these issues. 

The Buccal Facial is an intensive intra-oral massage technique that tightens and contours the area between the cheeks and jowls by stimulating muscles and ligaments. It focuses on the face, neck and décolletage, offering a natural facelift through lymphatic drainage, sculpting and myofascial stretching. In a 90-minute session, up to 17 different facial muscles are targeted to release tension and stress. Regular sessions offer results comparable to dermal fillers and botox, sans needles and side effects.

How does it work?

Deep Tissue Manipulation
This advanced technique involves manipulating over 17 facial muscles, to aid in releasing tension, alleviating tightness, and enhancing overall muscle tone.

Skin Rejuvenation
Through targeting deeper facial tissues, the Buccal Facial enhances blood circulation, fostering healthier and more vibrant skin. Consequently, this leads to enhancements in skin texture, diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and imparting a softer, more youthful complexion.

Lymphatic Drainage
The unique massage techniques used in the Buccal Facial stimulate blood flow and facilitate the elimination of toxins and waste products via lymphatic drainage. This process reduces puffiness, enhances skin tone, and brightens the complexion.

Holistic Approach
The Buccal Facial adopts a holistic perspective towards facial care, addressing not only the external aspect of the skin but also the underlying muscle framework and overall facial wellness. This comprehensive approach ensures a more balanced, harmonious facial appearance.

You’re in good hands

Shannon Lewis is an integrative facialist who specialises in the Buccal Facial technique. She was trained under the guidance of one of Australia’s leading Facial Educators in this advanced technique that only a few offer around the country.


  • Essentially, anyone—except those with contraindications—can benefit. This treatment is particularly popular among those concerned about aging due to its non-invasive yet effective approach. However, its benefits extend beyond anti-aging; it improves skin quality by enhancing lymph and blood circulation, induces deep relaxation in facial, neck, and shoulder muscles, alleviates tension in hypertonic muscles, and offers numerous other advantages.

  • The Buccal Facial is generally painless and well-tolerated. You may not realise the tension in your face, jaw, and neck until you feel the satisfying release during the session.

    The treatment begins with a thorough cleanse followed by the application of facial oil, initiating the facial and intra-oral massage. Acupressure points are utilised, with pressure adjusted to your liking.

  • Results vary based on individual factors such as bone structure, fibrosis buildup, and facial hollowing. Following your initial session, expect plumper, softer, and more vibrant skin. If you tend to retain fluid, you'll likely notice a significant reduction in puffiness or swelling. Those with strong masseter muscles may result in a smaller jaw frame as tension is released. Overall, you'll feel deeply relaxed and rejuvenated.

  • You'll notice significant improvements after your initial Buccal Facial Massage session. These results build up over time, becoming more pronounced after the third or fourth consecutive treatment. We generally advise a series of 6 to 8 weekly sessions, followed by monthly maintenance treatments.

  • If you have a special occasion and want your skin glowing plump, we advise getting the Buccal Facial 24 hours before the date.

    However if you would like the best results from your Buccal Facial we recommend opting for a series of treatments - one per week for 6 weeks.

  • We ensure a minimum of 2 weeks has passed since Botox and 4 weeks since Dermal filler injections. For procedures like mesothreads and threadlifting, a waiting period of at least 3 months post-procedure is required

  • Depending on your initial muscle tension, you may experience slight fatigue post-treatment.

  • Individuals with acne-prone skin should approach with care, as the treatment stimulates not only muscles and fluids but also the sebaceous glands, potentially exacerbating inflammation. Also those with eczema and psoriasis.